Dorsal Appliance

Is an upper and lower occlusal splint that has a fixed vertical opening and the lower jaw is held forward by a fixed upper piece which pushes the fins forward. This push type device does not work well for patient’s who want to move their jaw laterally or left to right. 

Herbst Appliance

This device is connected by stainless steel bars with a telescoping mechanism. These devices are comfortable and allow both protrusive and lateral movement. This device is a Medicare approved device. 

EMA Appliance

Is a thinner plastic device that fits directly over the upper and lower teeth and is designed to advance the jaw and open the bite vertically. Advancement is accomplished by placing the plastic bands on each side of the device. This device allows comfort and ease of movement in lateral positions.   


Device Maintenance

  • Never use hot water (as this may damage the device)
  • If you want to soak your device using a Efferdent type tablet you should choose the partial denture tablets as they are a 5-10 Minute soak. DO NOT USE ANY TYES OF CLEANERS AS IT WILL DAMAGE THE DEVICE. 
  • Before inserting your device into you mouth at night first brush and floss your teeth and clean the device with soap and lukewarm water. This is the same procedure you should do in the morning once your take your device out of your mouth. 
  • Dry your device off with a towel then it should be stored semi dry in the case which should be cleaned daily. 
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